Sunday, August 14, 2005

I know you're corrupt but what am I?

Doug Forrester, poulist. On the one hand:
"The top two issues we're concerned with in New Jersey are property taxes and corruption," Forrester said.


"I'm a small business man myself," said Forrester, who went on to add that "taxation and regulation are running small businesses out of the state. We need to bring some good business practices to the state."

And then, on the other hand:
TRENTON — A surrogate for Democratic gubernatorial candidate U.S. Sen. Jon S. Corzine demanded full disclosure Friday from Republican candidate Doug Forrester about the dozens of no-bid contracts his insurance companies have with public entities in New Jersey.

Forrester, who is running on an ethics platform, including pledging to end no-bid contracts that benefit career politicians, has at least 100 business contracts with municipalities, school boards and utilities, according to a published report. He estimated that 80 percent of his companies' $200 million annual revenue comes from public contracts that do not require public bidding.

"Mr. Forrester has positioned himself as an expert of no-bid contracts during the campaign. Now, we know why," said U.S. Rep. Robert A. Andrews, D-N.J., a co-chairman of Corzine's campaign.

Forrester amassed his fortune by co-founding BeneCard Services Inc., a prescription drug management firm, in 1990. In 2003, he started Heartland Fidelity Insurance Co., based in Washington, D.C.; it insures the prices BeneCard offers.

Personally, I'm a little bit wary of Corzine. He's got a pretty good voting record in the Senate, but lets face it, the guy's an real politician, an insider, monied, part of the system. He's not going to be the maverick to come in an shake up the system. But I think the legislature doesn't trust him because of his DC and NY credentials, and I get the feeling that

Forrester, on the other hand, seems to be truely corrupt. To his very core. This is a guy who's been cozying up to Karl Rove even after he called Democrats traitors, and after it was revealed that he outed a CIA agent for political gain! He's just another cog in the Tom Delay/Karl Rove money machine.


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